Life at Oldham Hall is interesting… You can’t get bored. My fellow boarders and the staff are very friendly and I enjoy the friendships forged here. We study hard and have fun at the same time. Besides hall-wide events like Orientation Games or Founder’s Day Challenge where we compete with one another in sports and games, we also have mini gatherings with our floor mates and Assistant House Masters/Mistresses (AHMs).

I was struck by the warmth and sincerity of all members of your community and am glad that some of our Nexus students are boarding with you. I can be certain that they will have an excellent support network from your staff and their families.

Even though it has only been a year, we feel that Brandon has grown to become more matured, responsible and independent. In particular, my wife and I are heartened that his study attitude has improved tremendously. He takes responsibility for his studies and is able to manage his time well.
When he shared with us that he wanted to run for the Students’ Council this year (2014), we supported his decision (despite the fact that he’s taking his O level exams this year) as I think such leadership opportunities are just as important as academic pursuits, if not more. Watching him strategies on getting votes, working his goals and plans for the hall has provided a refreshing perspective that our son has matured!

I’m very thankful & grateful for your care and help shown in these formative years of Ge Tao… We can see him growing and progressing well.

The opportunity to live with people of different nationalities – peers and Assistant House Masters/Mistresses (AHMs) was an invaluable experience. Hanging out with friends in the Common Room, gathering to celebrate birthdays, sitting in the Courtyard at night and playing some music, or just simply chatting over dinner were the little things that made my 4 years in Oldham Hall fun and fulfilling.

Your Performance Report (BPR) is very comprehensive and gives detailed description of the child’s learning and life in Oldham Hall… It is very helpful and gives me a good understanding of my child’s overall situation. Thank you very much!

ACS (International) has a very close working relationship with ACS Oldham Hall. We are very pleased with the quality of the pastoral care that Oldham Hall provides our international students. The students thrive in the supportive and structured environment, and this impacts positively on their achievement at our school. We highly recommend Oldham Hall to any prospective parent and student.